Plasma Treatment
Plasma skin tightening is a pioneering treatment technology that provides a non-surgical solution for the tightening and lifting of loose or wrinkled skin.
Tiny pulses of plasmatic lightning produced by the probe used during the treatment, cause the surrounding area of skin to contract.
Plasma skin tightening treatments are hugely popular as a non-surgical solution that avoids having to cut away excess skin with invasive cosmetic surgery.
It can also be used on any area of the body to tighten and firm the skin.
Plasma Benefits
The most popular area clients choose to have plasma treatment are the eyelids which is called 'non-surgical blepharoplasty'. There are not many procedures that can be done on this delicate area other than surgery so opting for plasma is a minimally invasive option. Any area of the face or body that you wish to have the skin tightened is ideal for this treatment.
Plasma Results
Treatment times for the procedure are as little as 30 minutes with results being seen immediately and improving within the recovery time. These results can last years!
You can expect to see the full results after around 12 weeks.
Plasma Recovery Time & Comfort Level
5 - 10 days carbon crusts
1 - 3 weeks pink healing skin
1 - 3 months for results (vast improvements immediately)
Make-up cannot be worn whilst the skin has carbon crusts.
An aftercare kit is provided to care for your skin and speed up the healing process.
Numbing cream is applied prior to the treatment to make it more comfortable. The area will feel hot and can swell a little afterwards, you will be advised on how to manage this with aftercare products provided.
Plasma Recommended Sessions
1 x treatment
(mild-moderate concerns)
2 x treatments
(moderate concerns)
(10% off 2nd treatment, same area)
3 x treatments
(severe concerns)
(10% off 3rd treatment, same area)
1 - 4 years+
depending on area, severity, genetics, ageing, environmental damage & other factors
6 - 8 weeks for repeat sessions on the same area if needed
Is Plasma Safe?
Plasma fibroblasting is safe if done by a qualified, experienced practitioner and you follow all of the pre and post advice given. You have to be strict with yourself not to pick any of the carbon crusts or there is a risk of scarring/pitting of the skin. Heat does not pass into the dermal layer, which makes it safe to treat fragile areas like the eyelids. True plasma is used at SugarPod and not an electric pen which essentially burns the skin which can cause bleeding, bruising & scarring. All of your concerns and questions will be addressed during the consultation.

All Plasma machines are not the same. Unfortunately there are many untrained operators performing these treatments with sub standard equipment. This can result in unwanted results such as pitting, scarring and worsening of the skin.
The scary thing to know is that there are many cheap copy-cat machines and pens out there which are literally burning the skin. Many YouTube videos and damning reviews where the poor unsuspecting client has had the treatment done without realising it is not authentic are floating around creating a bad reputation of this fabulous approach to non-surgical skin tightening.
The genuine Plasma or 'Fibroblasting' treatment as it is also known, does not degrade the skin or burn it. The actual term is 'sublimation' which is where the moisture is temporarily evaporated out causing an instant contraction and collagen enhancement over time.
A plasma pen creates carbon crusting inside the epidermis, not superficial scabs on the surface of the skin. True plasma flows through dead epidermal cells and sublimates the cells which still contain some cytoplasm. It then barely touches the epidermal junction to stimulate collagen growth. Electric pens just stimulate shock protein, not collagen.
Small carbon crusts are formed (not scabs - although that's what it looks like) which take around 5 - 10 days to drop off. A care kit is provided for you to look after the skin appropriately which helps speed up the healing and keeps the area sterile.
Always do your research before allowing a practitioner to perform any aesthetic treatment, make sure they are qualified and have experience. If you look around the salon/clinic and you see poor hygeine or get a feeling that your questions are not being answered to your satisfaction go with your gut and do not proceed.
Plasma performed at SugarPod is of the highest standard, the equipment is 100% true plasma made in Korea, not an electric pen.
Book in for a consultation with no obligation or pressure.